Make The Choice To Trust God – Psalm 77


Every single day that our eyes open and air fills our lungs, we are given the opportunity to choose what we do with our time, how we will handle situations, where we put our trust. Choices are everywhere. What will I have for breakfast? What will I wear today? Those are seemingly easy choices. Then we have perhaps some more difficult ones. “Will I let my attitude effect others? How will I react when someone cuts me off in traffic?”

Then we have, what I believe to be, the most important decision to make. How we answer this question defines who we are.

“Will I choose to put God first today?”

The words used in the verse serve as a great reminder that we do indeed have a choice to make when it comes to worshiping God and that we must make that choice every single day.

It doesn’t say, “I might remember the deeds of the Lord,” it says “I WILL”. I will remember, I will ponder and I will meditate. All action words; making the choice to do.

When we get into situations in our life where we feel despair, desperation, anxiety, fear – choose to lean on the everlasting God. Choose to remember that He is a mighty God who loves you.

The person who wrote this Psalm is clearly in despair. It’s a deeply personal account of someone who is hurting. They have a choice – to give into that hurt or to lean on God. They choose God!

From the beginning of time, God has shown us His wonderous deeds. Why do we doubt Him?
Choose today to put God first. To lean into His love. Trust in His mighty power.


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